customer service

A new focus on the customer: meet Customer Service 2.0

In 2016, Coesia launched Customer Service 2.0 (CS2.0), a global initiative to promote an evolution of customer service across the Group. The program is currently ongoing and involves a multidisciplinary effort that puts together front-line experience and broad business expertise, with the goal to boost customer satisfaction and loyalty via better practices and a new technology stack. 

While once the purpose of customer service was to solve the client's problems, today, it is about preventing them - and more. Being closer to the customer, anticipating their needs, providing extra value to their business: this is the customer service of the digital era. Long story short, the game has changed. According to McKinsey, “leading executives have recognized that really moving the needle on customer satisfaction requires a more ambitious effort—a transformation of the entire customer experience.”[1]  There are several factors behind this shift. Technology disruptors, social change and demographic trends: all of them, not to mention the recent impact of COVID-19 on consumer behaviour, are driving service leaders to reimagine the role of customer care in value creation[2]

The secret is the customer-centric approach. Accountability, real-time data access, customer proximity and remote delivering: these are the keywords of the service business in 2021. The stronger the relationship, the higher the customer lifetime value. As a matter of fact, 57% of consumers spend more on brands to which they are loyal.[3]  

Customer success must be integral to the service provider: if the client wins, everyone wins. For this to happen, a few boxes must be checked: an agile, always-on, customer-first mindset, digital adoption and an outcome-focused vision of the company-customer relationship.[4]  Which is exactly what has been taking place at Coesia since the launch of Customer Service 2.0.

How data analysis is putting the customer in the driver's seat

The cornerstone of this new customer service model is data and that is also the basis of Coesia's service transformation. Indeed, by leveraging its own data, Coesia has been able to give a new spin to its service business, implementing good practices and enabling continuous improvement throughout the entire Coesia Group. On this line of thought, CS2.0 started with a thorough mapping of the existing databases of the sister companies. Afterwards, a common database across all companies was created, the Installed Equipment database, containing the most relevant pieces of information. 

That was only the first step though. Once rolled out, ACMA’s parent company put in practice a full set of activities that, starting from customers’ data, could reshape our customer service approach. Among this, was the launch – and consequent optimization – of a common system to measure the customer satisfaction at selected touchpoints - be it installation, maintenance or troubleshooting events. Launched in 2017 and part of the CS2.0 initiative, the Customer Experience program (CX) is based on digital surveys, letting customers rank the quality of service from 1 to 10 according to a variety of aspects, including response speed, organization, communication and technical skills. In addition, CX allows Coesia to calculate the Net Promoter Score (NPS) - a metric representing how likely the customer would recommend the company to a colleague

As a result, between 2018 and 2019, the overall Coesia NPS improved by more than 50% and has kept increasing ever since

In addition, in 2018 ACMA launched a parallel endeavour, Early Engagement, aimed at offering support since the very first interaction with the customer. Indeed, Early Engagement consists in appointing a customer service specialist to follow the client closely across the entire journey, from awareness to purchase up to after sales. Not only a problem solver, this operator is also a reference point for the client and guides them in picking the solution that suits them best. 

All this is just the beginning of a new data-driven paradigm for ACMA. The future of the Customer Experience program is to turn all interactions with the customers into data points that can further be analyzed and crafted into insights for a continuous improvement. 

Why the future of machine manufacturing lies in service digitalization

Together with CS2.0, Coesia ushered in a new initiative, Coesia Digital, based on new cutting-edge technologies, such as the Internet of Things, edge computing, augmented reality and machine learning

A simple yet effective tool within our service portfolio is Coesia Webshop, the online shop for spare parts. Already being used in a few companies for a few years, the Coesia Webshop was refined, as new features like 3D pictures and automatic upload of lists were being rolled out. Thanks to OptiMate – our new smart HMI developed together with Coesia Digital,  it is also possible to purchase spare parts directly from the machine interface as operators can access the Webshop in a click. The platform also provides technical information, prices, availability and lead times through visual and interactive interfaces. 

Another option offered by ACMA to enhance its customer service is Remote Assistance, to be performed through augmented reality and high-quality audio, video and file sharing platforms. It features several functions, such as diagnostics, real-time support, technical documentation and troubleshooting. To further increase the efficiency of Remote Assistance, ACMA has recently launched a dedicated control room of specialists that support the clients throughout their journey, providing continuous value. Depending on the issue, technical experts can assist the customer via phone, by connecting to the machine PLC or via augmented reality. In fact, Remote Assistance is a cross-device solution, available for smartphones, tablets and even smart glasses. 

The new addition to the set is ACMA Remote FAT service, short for Remote Factory Acceptance Test. Thanks to this new way of working, the customer can verify that the machine works in accordance with contractual arrangements without being present in the premises. The procedure takes place via video streaming, live streaming and interactive live streaming. Remote FAT is a powerful option which can serve as a substitute for in-person FAT, allowing for a more efficient and less time consuming experience, especially when travel is impossible.

In conclusion, Customer Service 2.0, Early Engagement and Coesia Digital have marked the opening of a new chapter for ACMA, triggering a value shift: from product-first to customer-first. That is why, if you want to feel empowered as a customer, you should get in touch with us.

[1] Source:McKinsey
[2] Source:Deloitte
[3] Source:Forbes
[4] Source:Deloitte

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